General description
The i-Level is a capacitive level probe for analogue level measurement that comes with 2 additional digital
switching points. The switching points can be placed inside or outside of the analogue measuring range.
This probe which has its evaluation electronics integrated in the sensor's head is based on our patented 3
electrode measuring principle. This measurement is made between the measuring electrode in the probe
and a metal container wall (or additional electrode). The measuring area is defined by means of inactive
areas that are placed on its top and end. An earthed container wall is normally used as the BE electrode. If
the container is not made of metal, an earthed metal foil or other machine parts can serve as the additional
electrode, whereby one has to make sure that the length of the additional electrode is the same as the length
of the measuring range you wish to measure.
It is not necessary to make a manual pre-selection of the capacity range or of a basic capacity as this is
automatically done by the i-Level probe during the initial setup.
The following measurements can be made with the i-Level probe:
(1) Analogue measurement between 2 free selectable points „ANALOGUE MIN" and „ANALOGUE MAX"
and / or
(2) 2 additional digital switching points that are independent form the analogue range and they can be
placed below, within, or above the analogue range for over and underfilling warning.
Probe rod
2 independent
switching points,
free selectable
over the measur-
ing range
Key board
Probe head
BE-connection via process connection,
optional via cable connection
Container or counter electrode
on the container