Display of Operating Status
The operating status is indicated by the LEDs
In normal operating mode (aeration mode), the display appears as follows:
In automatic mode, the liquid crystal display shows the current work phase and the remaining time left in
this phase.
If a fault occurs, the red LED is turned on. A message indicating which component is faulty appears in the
liquid crystal display (e.g. Fault Compressor 0.0A).
The following work phases are displayed
Sedimentation phase
Activity phase
Cycle pause/
holiday mode
Rest: XXX:XXmin
Key assignment
Enter key
4. Operation of the Control System
Rest: 120:10min
Process performed
Y3 valve (plug X1.1) is actuated intermittently; the activated sludge is briefly
mixed with the wastewater. This is followed by long pauses (response times).
Y3 valve (plug X1.1) is actuated; the system is aerated in intervals over a long
period of time.
No valves are actuated, the activated sludge settles in the system.
Y4 valve (plug X1.2) is actuated; the clear water is pumped into the drain.
Y3 valve (plug X1.1) is actuated; the system is aerated in intervals (considerably
less than in the aeration phase).
Display of remaining time.
= operational /
Selection of operating mode, confirmation of entries
Display of operating modes and queries Programming of
the system by entering figures
Acknowledgement of entries without saving
Acknowledgement of fault messages
25 / 57
= fault) and as text on the screen.