Maintenance; Stem Catcher Unit - avdel 07287 Manual De Instrucciones

Máquina hidroneumática
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S e r v i c i n g t h e To o l
M a i n t e n a n c e
Every 500000 cycles the tool should be completely dismantled and new components should be used where worn, damaged or
recommended. All 'O' rings and seals should be renewed and lubricated with Moly Lithium grease EP 3753 before assembling.
The employer is responsible for ensuring that tool maintenance instructions are given to the appropriate personnel.
The operator should not be involved in maintenance or repair of the tool unless properly trained.
Item numbers in bold refer to the General Assembly and Parts List on pages 16 and 17.
The airline must be disconnected before any servicing or dismantling is attempted unless specifically instructed otherwise.
It is recommended that any dismantling operation be carried out in clean conditions.
Prior to dismantling the tool it is necessary to remove the nose assembly. For simple removal instructions see the Nose
Assemblies section on pages 8 and 9.
Remove Bleed Screw 18 and Washer 19 from the tool handle and drain oil from tool.
For total tool servicing we advise that you proceed with dismantling of sub-assemblies in the order shown overleaf.
To disconnect Oil Hose 26 and Air Hose 27 from the tool handle, lower Sleeve 22 to gain access to the hoses.
Disconnect air hose by pushing and releasing the quick release connector. Using two spanners, undo oil hose at Connector 21,
leaving the connector attached to the tool handle. Remove the tool handle.
S t e m C a t c h e r U n i t
Item numbers in bold refer to the Stem Catcher Unit drawing on page 10.
To remove the stem catcher assembly from the tool, loosen three Screws 1 and slide stem catcher Adaptor 8 together with the
stem catcher from off of the Stop Cover 3* (*on pages 16 and 17).
Remove two Screws 2 and separate the stem catcher assembly from stem catcher adaptor.
Assemble in reverse order of dismantling.
P i s t o n A s s e m b l y
Item numbers in bold refer to the General Assembly and Parts List on pages 16 and 17.
Grip tool Handle 1 in a vice fitted with soft jaws and, using a spanner on the flats of the protrusion on Stop Cover 3, unscrew
stop cover, together with 'O' Ring 12.
Remove 'O' Ring 12 from groove on outer diameter of Stop Cover 3 and remove Seal 11 from inner diameter.
Using circlip pliers, remove Circlip 17 from Piston 2 and withdraw Deflector Support 4 and Spring 5.
Push Piston 2 out of rear of tool (some oil will be ejected from tool during this action).
Using circlip pliers, remove Circlip 16 from tool handle and remove Lip Seal 10.
Remove 'O' Ring 14 and Graphite Ring 13 from Piston 2.
Assemble in reverse order of dismantling, ensuring that Seals 10, 11, 14 and Graphite Ring 13 are assembled the correct way
round as shown on page 16.
Use piston insertion tool
Item included in the service kit.
Read Safety Instructions on page 4.
The tool shall be examined regularly for damage and malfunction.
to install the piston.



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