12. Two year guarantee
Dear Customer,
Many thanks for choosing one of our products. The
name Aesculap has a long-standing reputation for
tried and tested quality and first-class service. Aescu-
lap Suhl GmbH is certified according to DIN EN
ISO 9001. We offer our customers innovative and
high-performance products.
Aesculap manufactures high-quality devices and can
assure you that it uses high-quality materials and
careful manufacturing processes. If there is a quality
defect in a product, we guarantee that product for two
years after its purchase (starting from the invoice
In addition to your contractual and legal guarantee
rights, Aesculap offers you a manufacturer's guarantee
with the following conditions:
This manufacturer's guarantee is valid for two years
starting from the date of purchase. It is valid for
defects arising from material or manufacturing errors.
The following are excluded from our manufacturer's
defects caused by improper use, normal wear and tear,
the erroneous action of unauthorized persons inter-
vening with the product or unsuitable or unacceptable
foreign products being used during the product's
assembly. Defects that do not affect or only minimally
affect the value or usability of the product are also
If a defect that falls under our manufacturer's guaran-
tee occurs during our guarantee period of two years
after the purchase date, we will choose either to repair
the defective product or to replace it.
A prerequisite for our manufacturer's guarantee is that
you send or hand in the product and purchase receipt
(invoice) to one of our national Aesculap agencies or
national responsible customer service centers within
the applicable guarantee period.
The addresses of our customer service centers, see
Technical Service.
Irrespective of our manufacturer's guarantee, you are
also entitled to make a guarantee claim against the
seller for a supplementary performance (rework, repair
or exchange), cancellation or price reduction, insofar
as this is within your legal or contractual rights. These
rights are not affected by our additional manufac-
turer's guarantee.
13. Distributor in the US/Contact
in Canada for product infor-
mation and complaints
Aesculap Inc.
3773 Corporate Parkway
Center Valley, PA 18034
Service addresses
A & J Sales and Service
42 - A Frame Drive
West Burke, VT 05871
(800) 447-1957
Or in Germany
Aesculap Suhl GmbH
Fröhliche-Mann-Straße 15
98528 Suhl / Germany
+49 (0) 3681 49820
+49 (0) 3681 498234