Do not immerse the appliance in water or
let it come into contact with water, even dur-
ing cleaning.
Do not drop the appliance.
Pull out the power plug after use. Do not
disconnect the plug by pulling on the cable.
If the appliance is used in the bathroom, it
is essential that the power plug is pulled out
after use, as water close to the appliance
can still constitute a danger, even if the
appliance is switched off.
If not already present, for additional pro-
tection it is recommend to install a residual-
current-operated protective device (RCD)
with a rated residual operating current not
exceeding 30 mA in the electrical circuit
of your bathroom. Ask your plumber for
Keep the appliance away from children.
Do not open the appliance under any
circumstances. No warranty claims are
accepted for damage resulting from improp-
er handling.