devices cause no harm to people or pets.
Does it work against all types of dogs?
Yes, especially young dogs.
What is the lifespan of the PORTABLE DOG TRAINER |
The lifespan is unlimited.
Does it need refills?
You only need to replace the battery when it runs out.
Why does my dog still not obey?
It is important to realize that dogs gradually lose their
hearing with age or when afflicted with a hearing condition,
like otitis.
I tested it on my dog and it has no effect. Why?
Do not test it! You could confuse your dog. Use it only when
repelling or training a dog. If your dog gets used to frequency
position I, then use position II for a while, and vice versa.
I've used on dogs not belonging to me and it had no
effect. Why?
It has much less effect on calm or passive dogs. It has