While looking through the Elite 1 Mile CONX, depress the power button once to activate the Vivid Display. Place the
aiming circle (located in the center of the field of view) upon a target at least 5 yards away, depress and hold the power
button down until the range reading is displayed near the bottom of the in-view display. Crosshairs surrounding the
aiming circle indicate that the laser is being transmitted. Once a range has been acquired, you can release the power
button. The crosshairs surrounding the aiming circle will disappear once the power button has been released (i.e. the
laser is no longer being transmitted). Note: Once activated, the display will remain active and display the last distance
measurement until the display times out after 30 seconds to extend battery life. You can depress the power button
again at any time to range the same target, or to a new target. As with any laser device, it is not recommended to
directly view the emissions for long periods of time with magnified lenses. To re-fire, press the button down again.