General Information
Listen carefully after connecting the unit to the electrical power to make sure the compressor goes into operation
immediately. A light frost covering should form on the dividers in the chilling chamber. Insert the individual ColPaCs
between the dividers in the chilling chamber and close the lid. The various ColPaCs are shown below.
The initial ColPaC chilling, starting from room temperature, will require several hours. The time needed to re-chill the
ColPaC after use on a patient will depend on the length of time in use with the patient and the time out of the unit.
Normally a short time is required for re-chilling your ColPaCs.
Note: While in operation, the top of the unit will become warm because of a specially designed heating system
installed under the top rim. This is to eliminate condensation of moisture around the top of the unit.
Care of ColPaCs
Always return the ColPaC to the chilling chamber after each treatment where it is kept chilled, clean and ready for
immediate use. The ColPaC may be cleaned by scrubbing it with soap and water. It is best not to fold the ColPaC for
storage. If the outside plastic cover of the ColPaC should become torn or cut, minor repairs may be made with plastic
or vinyl tape. Clean the surface carefully and apply tape at room temperature. Always replace ColPaCs when the
plastic covering becomes damaged beyond repair. Original ColPaCs may be ordered from an authorized Chattanooga
Group dealer.
The temperature of the ColPaC, when chilled, is approximately 10° F to 21° F (-6° C to -12° C). Be familiar with the
cooling characteristics of the ColPaC.
General Operating Instructions
The ColPaC Master Chilling Unit is simple and easy to operate. The thermostat controls the temperature of the chilling
chamber. It is located in the rear of the unit, behind the removable panel. The refrigeration system of the ColPaC
Master Chilling Unit has been adjusted, tested and calibrated to chill the ColPaCs to a temperature between 10° F to
21° F (-6° C to -12° C). Extensive clinical testing and observation have shown this to be the optimum temperature
range. It is recommended that this adjustment not be altered until the ColPaC unit and the ColPacs have been used
for some time, and then only if adjustment of the chilling temperature is absolutely necessary. A slight adjustment can
be made by removing the rear panel and turning the adjustment knob on the thermostat. To lower the temperature
(colder), the knob should be turned clockwise. To raise the temperature (warmer), the knob should be turned slightly
The thermostat is extremely sensitive and the slightest adjustment will alter the temperature several
degrees. The temperature of the chilling chamber should be checked with a thermometer after every
adjustment, before using the ColPaCs.
The ColPaC Master Chilling Unit operates through the use of a hydraulic capillary type thermostat and can be left
connected to the power source, providing a ready supply of chilled ColPaCs. Locate the unit away from humid areas
to avoid excessive frost build-up on the refrigeration coils.