LOCKED mode". In this mode the device works normally,
but you cannot change the settings. This mode preserves
from any accidental power changes. To exit the "POWER
LOCKED" mode, simultaneously press the button with the
triangle pointing to the left and the triangle pointing to the
right for 2 seconds.
• Blocking resistance: the DNA200 chip is based on the
cold resistance of the atomizer to accurately measure
he battery
the temperature. If the reading of resistance value is not
can block
steady, it is recommended to lock the resistance. To lock
the resistance, enter the "LOCKED MODE" and then press
the fire button and the button with the triangle pointing
enter the
to the right for more than 2 seconds. The display will
y is turned
show the padlock symbol insead of the "Ω". In this way,
To exit the
the device will always read the same value of the resist-
ance until the atomizer is disconnected from the device.
ss the fire
When you disconnect the atomizer from the device,
isplay will
blocking will be automatically disabled. To disable this
he display
feature, press both the fire button and the button with
s both the
the triangle pointing to the right at the same time.
• Temperature setting: enter the "LOCKED MODE".
Press both the button with the triangle pointing to the
ing to the
right and the key with the triangle pointing to the left
MANUAL_RS200W.indd 23
13/10/16 16:23