Care and cleaning of the refrigerator,
w eutpointcom
Cleaniug the Outside
Thedispenserdriparea, (on some m()dels)
I)(n(alla the gillie, should be wilxd dlT,:\\_ater
kfl in 1his area may leave deF,osils. Remove
tlae deposits by adding undihm,d vinegar to
the well. So;Ik matil the deposils disappem
or b('colxxe
[0 riXXS( _t_,VH_,
Thedispensercradle(on some lnod(Is).
Before de;ruing, lock the dispenser by
pressing and holding the LOCKCONTROL
pad ti_r 3 s( rends. Clean with warm v,ater
and baking soda solution--about
tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda to a
quart (1 1) at walen Rinse lhoroughl}
and wipe dl T.
Thedoorhandlesand trim.Clea n with a
cloth dmnpened
with soatu w_ltel; DIT
with a soft cloth.
Keep theoutsideclean,Wipe with a (lean
cloth lightly dampened
with kit(hen
appliance wax or mild liquid dish demlgent.
DIT and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refrigeratorwith a soileddish
cledl or wet towel These. may leavea residue
tbat canerodetbe pathLDo not usescourleg
pads,powderedcleaners,bleachor cleaners
contathlegbleachbecause tbeseproductscan
scratchand weakenthepaint fthisb
Cleaniug the Inside
Tohelppreventodors,leavean open box of
b_tking soda hx the rcfiigerator
and fi-cczer
( OIIXl )Hl-[nlelllS.
Unplugtherefrigerator beforecleaning.It this
is not lWacti(al, wxing excc_,s moisture out
of sl)onge or cloth when cleaning around
switches, lights or conHx)ls.
Lse warm water and baking soda solution--
about a tablespoon
(15 ml) of baking scOa
to a quart (l 1) ofx_atel; This both cleans
and neutralizes odop< Rinse an(I wipe (hy.
Allot cl(aning the (lear gaskets, apply a
thin layer of petroleum.jelly
u_ tile door
gaskets at the hinge si(le. This helps kee D
tim gaskel,, from sticking and b( n(/ing out
of shap(.
Drain openingin freezercompartment
During yearly cleaning, remove bottom
h-cezer pm'_and flush a sohlfion el b_&ing
teaspoon (5 ml) and 2 cups (5(_)
ml) ot hot (hal boiling) ware1_-- flnough
the (h'din line with the help of a meat
bastel: This will help eliminate odor and
reduce the likelihood of a clogg(d drain
line. If drain becomes clogged, use a meat
baster and baking soda sohltiolx to f_r('e th(
clog through tim drain line.
AvoidcleanOTg coldglessshelves with hot water
because theextremetemperatare d ifl_rencemay
causethemtobreak Handle glassshelves carefallg
Bampleg tempered glasscancause it to sbatter
Oo not wash anyplastic"refrigeratorparts'in tbe
Behind the Refrigerator
Be carefifl when moving
the refi-igeralor
awa} flom the
wall. All lypes of floor covelings
Call be damaged,
and those with embossed
surl5( es.
Pull the rd'rigex-dtor
out and rcmm
it to position
it stlaight
in. Moving tile refiigel-dtor
in a side
max resuh in damage
1o the floor raveling
ref rigeralol;
When pusbiag the refrigeretor back, make sore you don't roll over
the power cod or icemaker supply line (on some models)
Preparing Dr Vacation
Fox"long xa<alions or absences, remove ti_od and tmplug
the ref'rigerdlon Clean the interior with a baking soda
sohltion plane
(15 ml) of baking soda to one
quaxt (1 1) ofwatel: Leave the door:, op(n.
Set the icemaker power sxdtch to the 0 (O_)l)osition and
shut off the water supply to the rctiig(mton
Preparing to Move
Sc(urc all loose items such as glillc, shelves and chmver_ b? lal)ing them sccurd} in pla(c to [)r(w*nt (lmnagv.
Be surethe refrigeratorstays in an uprightposition duringmoving
the Light Bulbs
Turning the control to the 0 (off) position does not remove power to the light circuit.
e with
Of" Ih(
or lower
Remov( the shelf just [)dew the light shield.
Reinstall 1h€ shelf and plug Ill(
back in.