Possible causes
■ Loading/emptying of water in the steam generator was not
carried out.
- Check that the water system is functioning correctly.
Try turning off and then turning on the main switch, wait until
draining and rinsing are complete and then try to re-start the func-
tion: if the problem persists, contact a Jacuzzi® Service Centre.
To activate the sauna and hammam programmes from the keypad
without switching on the control system (see relative chapter) carry
out the following:
■ If the ON/OFF key is lit up white, press it (it will light up blue).
This display presents various events checked during appliance op-
eration: start and stop time of the various programmes, any warn-
ings, etc.
Various rows will appear on the screen, each row features, in or-
der (starting from the left):
■ To view the saved data, click on
the key to the right of the term
■ In the instance of a malfunction to a module different to the
one presented on the display, a window will appear with a warn-
ing relative to the alarm in question.
■ Press the key relative to the programme to be activated and
wait until it turns itself off.
■ Press it once again to activate the programme (also see the
Sasha user manual).
- Date (day, month and year saved);
- Time (saved);
- Name (module sauna/hammam to which the saved event refers).
■ Go through the list of warnings which were noted during the
period indicated (a tick will appear in the corresponding box):
- TrmSic. (safety thermostat/thermal fuse);
- LightFai (light control system);
- Press the "OK" key to cancel the warn-
ing; check the malfunction bearing in
mind any other warnings which ap-
pear on the display of the module in
- TimSic.
- TempFail (temperature probe);
- Al40/20 (scale removal
- Al60/30 (scale re-
moval required);
- KbdFail (manage-
ment software fault);
- UsrAlm (user alarm),
- H2OAl (loading/empty-
ing hammam water).
■ The following are also presented:
- CiclHamm (number of hammam
sessions carried out up until sav-
ing; this number is reset once a
scale removal cycle is carried out);
- CicMain (total number of sauna
or hammam sessions - those car-
ried out);