Sample Application
Follow the instructions in this chapter to perform your first measurement with the
R&S ETC. For an expanded selection of measurement examples and background
information refer to the user manual.
Test Setup
► Using an RF cable, connect the RF output of the TV signal generator to the RF input
of the R&S ETC.
As a TV signal generator, you can use e.g. an R&S SFU/SFE/SFE100.
Performing the Measurement
1. Configure the TV signal generator as follows:
Frequency: 674 MHz
RF level: -20 dBm
TV standard: DVB-T/H
Bandwidth: 8 MHz
DVB-T/H parameter: 8K FFT, GI = 1/8, CR = 3/4
2. Power on R&S ETC.
3. Press the MODE key and tap TV ANALYZER.
4. In the MEAS MODE menu, select the following:
Under TV STANDARD, select DVB-T/H.
5. Press the PRESET key.
6. Set the frequency:
Press the FREQ key.
In the RF field, enter 674 MHz and press ENTER.
7. Press the BW key and tap CH BW 8 MHZ.
8. At the TV signal generator, turn on the RF output.
Once the R&S ETC locks to the signal, the measurement list view will be updated
with the measurement on the TV signal.
Getting Started 2116.7884.02 - 04.00
Sample Application