Open Circuit: Open Circuit is not commonly seen
and therefore no indication is included in the Tester.
Typically there are 2 to 4 coaxial cables pairs in the
network. Corresponding indicators are off if RJ45
sockets are not connected with coaxial cable pairs.
User debugs the network with the wire pair
indicators accordingly.
Short Circuit: shown in Fig.1.
Miswired: shown in Fig. 2: two pairs of wires are
connected to wrong terminals.
Reversed: shown in Fig.3: Two wires within the pair
are reversely connected to the pins in the remote.
Split Pairs: shown in Fig.4: Split pairs occurs when
the tip (positive conductor) and ring (negative
conductor) of two pairs are twisted and interchanged.
The Tester only shows one type of error per test.
Fix one error first then make sure to perform the test
again to check other possible errors.
2.1.2 Test Mode
Follow the steps:
a) Connect one of the wires to RJ45 transmitter socket.
b) Connect the other end to RJ45 receiver socket.
c) Turn the Tester power on.
d) Press "TEST" button once to start testing.
e) During the test press "TEST" button again to stop
Example: wires pair 1-2 and pair 3-6 are short circuit.
In test mode, the error indicators will show as following:
1-2 and 3-6 indicators flash green lights, short circuit
indicator flash red light.
• 4-5 indicator shows green lights (no error)
• 7-8 indicator shows green lights (no error)
2.1.3 Debug Mode
In Debug Mode, detail of the connection error is
displayed. Condition of every pair of wires is shown
twice in order. With the wire pair indicators and error
indicators, the network cable can be indentified and
debugged. Follow the steps:
a) Connect one end of wire to RJ45 transmitter socket.
b) Connect the other end of wire to receiver socket.
c) Power on the Tester, power indicator is on.
d) Press and hold "TEST" button until all the wire pairs
and error indicators are all on, release the button
e) Determine the error from the indicators.
f) If a wire pair indicator turns green twice (one short,
one long), and other error indicators are off, then
the wire pair is in good condition.
g) If the wire pair malfunctions, the corresponding
indicator will flash once and then turn on (long)
again with the error indicator on.
h) In debugging mode, press and release the "TEST"
button to end the debug.