Permanent Mounting – 10 & 20 Series
1. If the mounting feet are not already installed on the bar, install as follows:
Insert the heads of the M8 mounting bolts into the opening at the end of the slots on the base of the lightbar. Loosely fasten mounting
feet to base extrusion using M8 nuts and spring washers (refer to diagram).
2. Determine the location of the lightbar, and the best route for the wiring.
3. Loosen the M8 nuts to allow the mounting feet to slide along the base. Place the lightbar on the vehicle in the determined location and
slide the mounting feet into position. It is suggested that positioning of the feet be symmetrical and positioned near the curved edges of
the roof where the roof is strongest.
4. With the feet positioned, mark the location of the mounting hole centres on the roof. Remove the bar and drill the 8.5mm - 9.0mm
diameter (11/32") mounting holes as marked. Note: the centre distance between the mounting holes in a foot is 135mm (5 5/16").
5. Insert M8 Coach bolts into the mounting feet (refer to diagram) and tighten the M8 nuts holding the feet to the base of the lightbar. Note:
If the mounting feet are at the extreme ends of a 10 & 20 series bar, the feet may have to be temporarily moved to allow insertion of the
coach bolts.
6. Mount the lightbar, with the bolts going through the holes drilled in step 4, routing the wire as planned in step 2 (refer to diagram). See
the Wiring section of this manual for further wiring instructions. Install washers and M8 Nyloc nuts, and secure the unit.
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