ConneCting to a CoMpUter/downLoading yoUr Videos
At some point, you will no doubt want to view your videos on a larger display than the
built in 1.5" LCD, save one or more videos to a hard drive so you can delete them from
the Videoscope's memory and shoot new ones, or perhaps email your most impressive
Videoscope clip to a friend so you can prove how you brought down that game animal or
hit the center of the target. Even if you're not "a computer geek", it's easy to do, as the
Videoscope uses the "USB Mass Storage" standard, so it will be seen by your computer
(with Windows 2000, XP or Vista, or Mac OSX) the same as any external hard drive or
flash drive with video files stored on it. It will be identified as a "Removable Disk" or new
drive in Windows Explorer, "My Computer" (PC) or on the desktop (Mac). Just follow
these steps:
1. For safety, be sure to remove the Videoscope from your firearm first by slightly
loosening the allen bolts on the side of the mounting brackets and sliding the
Videoscope straight out.
2. Connect the supplied USB cable from the USB jack on the Videoscope (located
behind the rubber cover labeled "USB" on one side of the Videoscope) to a USB port
on your computer. We recommend using one of the rear panel or "main" USB ports on
the computer or a USB hub that is plugged into an AC adapter. The Videoscope may
not work when connected to some front panel USB ports or unpowered USB hubs.