I have a split-level residence, but the total living space
is not more than 1345 sq. ft. (125 m
). How many ANTS
REPELLER HOME devices will I need to use?
In dwellings with more than one floor, we suggest using
one ANTS REPELLER HOME per floor (or electrical circuit)
if ants are present in all parts of the dwelling. The first
step, however, is to hit the area where the ants are. By just
protecting the affected area, the ant population might be
eradicated without invading other areas of the living space.
Can I plug in more than one ANTS REPELLER HOME in the
same space?
Yes, as long as they are plugged into different circuit phase.
Can I plug in another RADARCAN® product in the same
area of the house?
Yes. Our products are totally compatible.
How long does it need to take effect?
It usually reacts best withing 1 to 3 weeks, since, even
though the ants are immediately disoriented, they resist