Before installing the circulator to an instrument that previously used tap water
as a cooling fluid, flush the instrument several times to remove any rust or
scale that has built up. The manufacturer of the instrument should be able to
recommend a cleaning fluid for their equipment.
The inlet/outlet connections are located on the right side of the control box.
These connections are
external system. Connect the outlet to the inlet of the internal system.
Ensure plugs are installed on the inlet/outlet if you are not circulating to
an external system.
Flexible tubing, if used, should be of heavy wall or reinforced construction.
Make sure all tubing connections are securely clamped. Avoid running
tubing near radiators, hot water pipes, etc. If substantial lengths of tubing
are necessary, insulation may be required to prevent loss of cooling capacity.
It is important to keep the distance between the circulator and your applica-
tion as short as possible, and to use the largest diameter tubing practical.
Tubing should be straight and without bends. If reductions must be made,
make them at the inlet and outlet of your application, not at the circulator.
If substantial lengths of cooling lines are required, pre-filled the lines with
cooling fluid before connecting them to the circulator.
Do not use flammable or corrosive fluids with this circulator.
The selected cooling fluid should have a viscosity of 50 centistokes or less at
the lowest operating temperature. When operating below +8°C, use a non-
freezing fluid.
Never run the circulator when the bath is dry.
Fill the bath to within ¾ inch of the top plate. Low fluid level in the bath can
cause serious damage to the pump and the reservoir heater. Always
maintain the level to within ¾ inch of the top plate.
When pumping to an external system, be sure to have additional bath fluid on
hand to compensate for the loss of volume to that system.
" O.D. stainless steel serrated pipes, which will
" or
" I.D. tubing. Connect the pump inlet to the outlet of the
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