SKYLOTEC - High Protection. Best Performance.
After fixing the device the person to be rescued is attached to the descending rope. This
rope may be attached to suspension eyes according to EN 361, sit harness eyes according EN 813
or the eyes of harnesses according EN 1497 or rescue slopes according EN 1498. All connecting
elements have to be closed safely.
If the rope between the person to be descended and the device is slack (A) the rope (B) has to
be pulled through the device until it is tightened (C). While the rescue man (or during selfdescend
the person itself) is holding the upstream rope, the person to be rescued is hanging on the down-
stream rope (descending rope).
Existing fall arresters such as connecting elements will be unlocked. The upstream rope is re-
leased and the rescued person is lowered with a constant speed.
The descending movement can be stopped or slowed by grapping the upstream rope and
holding it again.
Example: using MILAN without lift
The device allows the rescue of many persons in a row and alternatively. In order to do this
it is to proceed as follows: After the first person has reached the ground and disconnected
from the descending rope the next person is attached to the end of the rope which was
running upstream with the first person. This rope is now the descending rope and the operation
starts anew. Any switching of the device is not necessary.
The device is tested for the descend of 100 persons, having a body weight of 75 kg's each
and a descending height of 100 meters.
Heavier loads are possible; however, these will impact on the overall lifting capacity of the device.
75 kg = 10,000 m (100 x 100 m)
100 kg = 7,500 m (75 x 100 m)
260/280 kg = 200 m (abseiling with a load of 280 kg should only be done with deflection!)