Electro stimulation is not recommended in areas with any of the
• inflammation, open wounds, strained or torn muscles, dermatitis,
bacterial infections, eritema or skin irritation;
• muscular hernias;
• fractured bones;
• prosthesis or osteosynthesis;
• varicose veins or vascular disease in general;
• neoplasia;
• mucous membranes.
This medical device is prohibited in the following cases:
• pregnant women;
• growing children (risk of juvenile heart attack);
• patients wearing pace-makers (risk of interference with the
functioning of the pace-maker);
• implanted defibrillators;
• alteration of the peripheral ner ves, muscular disease and serious
damage to the joints;
• patients with metal joint prosthesis and/or osteosynthesis and/or
intratissue/endotissue metal;
• serious heart problems;
• patients suffering from epilepsy;
• patients with bone tumours;
• patients with serious high blood pressure;
• patients suffering from serious systematic, debilitating or
dermatological disease;
• patients undergoing treatment with an HF device, as this could cause
burns and damage to the stimulator itself;
• near any short wave or microwave therapy equipment, as this could
cause instability in the stimulator output;
• unconscious patients or patients unable to communicate;
• people suffering from psychophysical problems that prohibit their
exposure to external factors;
• in the presence of a mix of flammable anaesthetic with air, oxygen or
nitrogen protoxide.
Never place the electrodes on the carotid arter y and/or on a spastic
muscle. Use of the TESMED for therapy purposes should be super-
vised and recommended by a doctor.
Interrupt application immediately in the event of discomfort and
obtain medical advice. Carefully follow the points, indications,
programmes and advice on use.