Warning: Any c onse que nce caus ed by misuse, abuse, or not foll owi ng a ny and all
of the abov e-wri tte n s uggesti ons and i nstructi ons shall not hold the pr oducer i n
any wa y respons ible to any de gree. Announce me nt: The ma nufac turer reserv es
the right to c hange or upgrade speci fications or software v ersions wi thout pri or
or separate notice. Trade marks mentioned i n this ma terial bel ong to their
respectiv e owners.
Any Cha nges
m odi fica tions
expressl y approv ed
by the
par ty
for complia nce c oul d v oid the us er's a uthori ty to operate the
Note: All images presented in this user manual are for reference only and the y might
change according to the region and/or operative system .