Getting Started with MX 7
1. Press the power ON button. Upon initial power up, the detector defaults
to the Coin and Jewelry program.
2. Sweep the search coil from side to side, keeping it level and close to the
ground. Overlap each search pass by at least 50%.
3. Once a target is detected, indicated by a consistent beep, sweep several
passes over the target center and note the display identification and
target depth.
4. If the target indicates dig worthy, press and hold the Pinpoint button
(√/X). If tapped, the pinpoint button will lock in the Pinpoint mode. After
pinpointing remember to tap the pinpoint button once more to return to
Search mode.
5. The pinpoint spot is an imaginary line through the center of the search
coil. It is important to determine where this detection line begins and ends
on the coil. The pinpoint spot is in the center of the search coil
6. Sweep the target area slowly. The highest pitch and shallowest depth
indicate target center.
7. Practice with a visible object above ground, moving back and forth over
the target.
8. Use care in digging properly for the terrain. Fill in all holes and discard any
trash found in the proper receptacle. By not leaving trash and unsightly
holes behind you, open areas will continue to be available for you and
others to metal detect.
The MX 7 operates in either Search or Options mode. The detector will con-
tinue to provide audio feedback when in Options mode, but the display will be
used to show options rather than target information.
The Power button turns on the MX 7. Tapping the power button while the
detector is on will turn on the backlight. Holding the power button while on will
turn the detector off.