APÉNDICE 7 INTERFAZ DIGITAL (IEC 61162-1, 4ª edición [2010-11])
• ALR: Estado de alarma establecido
2 3 4
1. Time of alarm condition change, UTC (000000.00 to 235959.99), null
2. Unique alarm number (identifier) at alarm source (000 to 999),null
3. Alarm condition (A=threshold exceeded, V=threshold not exceeded)
4. Alarm acknowledge state (A=acknowledged, V=not acknowledged)
5. Alarm description text (alphanumeric), null
• ARC: Comando de alerta rechazado
1. Release time of the Alert Command Refused (UTC)
2. Used for proprietary alerts, defined by the manufacturer (FEC,null)
3. The alert identifier (000 to 999999)
4. The alert instance (1 to 999999)
5. Refused Alert Command(A, Q, O, S)
Q=request/repeat information
O=responsibility transfer
• DTM: Referencia de datos
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Local datum (W84:WGS84; W72:WGS72; P90:PZ90; User
defined:999, IHO datum code)
2. Local datum subdivision code (null or one character)
3. Lat offset, minutes (0 to 59.9999)
4. N/S
5. Lon offset, min (0 to 59.9999)
6. E/W
7. Altitude offset, meters (null)
8. Reference datum (W84:WGS84; W72:WGS72; P90:PZ90)
• GBS: Detección de fallo de satélite GNSS
$**GBS, hhmmss.ss, x.x, x.x, x.x, xx, x.x, x.x, x.x, h, h *hh<CR><LF>
1. UTC time of GGA or GNS fix associated with this sentence (000000.00 to 235959
2. Expected error in latitude (0.00 to 999.99),null
3. Expected error in longitude (0.00 to 999.99),null
4. Expected error in altitude (0.00 to 999.99),null
5. ID number of most likely failed satellite (1 to 255),null
6. Probability of missed detection for most likely failed satellite (0.00 to 100.00),null
7. Estimate of bias in meters on most likely failed satellite (-999.99 to 999.99),null
8. Standard deviation of bias estimate (0.00 to 999.99), null
9. GNSS system ID (1 to F)
10. GNSS signal ID (0 to F)
3 4 5
4 5
9 10