Fixture Settings
This submenu contains specific fixture settings.
Press the MENU button and select the "Fixture Settings" submenu.
Pan Inverse
No: Panning movement is not inverted.
Yes: Panning movement is inverted.
Select "Pan Inverse" and press ENTER
Use DOWN / UP buttons to select Yes or No.
Press the ENTER button to save.
To return to a previous menu, press the MENU button.
Tilt Inverse
No: Tilt movement is not inverted.
Yes: Tilt movement is inverted.
Select "Tilt Inverse" and press ENTER
Use DOWN / UP buttons to select Yes or No.
Press the ENTER button to save.
To return to a previous menu, press the MENU button.
P/T Feedback
While touching the head of the projector, the pan/tilt positioning can be disturbed and not in sync with the
other machines. P/T Feedback can automatically correct such issues.
Select "P/T Feedback" and press ENTER
Use DOWN / UP buttons to select:
No: Pan/Tilt are not automatically corrected.
Yes: Pan/Tilt are automatically corrected.
Press the ENTER button to save.
To return to a previous menu, press the MENU button.
Iris Inverse
Used to determine the iris behavior.
Select "Iris Inverse" and press ENTER
Use DOWN / UP buttons to select:
No: Iris is open while DMX-value is 000.
Yes: Iris is open while DMX-value is 255.
Press the ENTER button to save.
To return to a previous menu, press the MENU button.
Bl.O. P/T Moving
"Blackout while Pan/tilt are moving": while pan/tilt positions are changing the projector can cut off the
output to obtain a special effect.
Select "Bl.O. P/T Moving" and press ENTER
Use DOWN / UP buttons to select:
No: output stays on during pan/tilt movements.
Yes: output shuts off during pan/tilt movements.
Press the ENTER button to save.
To return to a previous menu, press the MENU button.
Bl.O. Color Change
"Blackout while changing the colors": while colors are changing the projector can cut off the output to
obtain a special effect.
Select "Bl.O. Color Change" and press ENTER
Use DOWN / UP buttons to select:
No: output stays on during color changes.
Yes: output shuts off during color changes.
Press the ENTER button to save.
To return to a previous menu, press the MENU button.