Figure 9
Common resistance and continuity measurements
Continuity tests are probably the most frequently performed
electrical troubleshooting procedures around the home.
Always remember that continuity checks are to be made with
the power to the circuit turned OFF. Polarity of the test leads is
not a factor in making continuity checks.
Extension Cords
Unplug the cord. Set the function/range switch to one of the
ohms settings. Touch one of the test leads to one of the metal
prong ends of the cord and insert the other lead in either one
of the receptacle slots on the other end of the cord, making
sure both leads are making good contact (see fig. 9). If a read-
ing does not register, switch one of the test leads to the oppo-
site receptacle or prong, making sure of good contact. If a
reading still does not register, the cord may need to be
Appliance Cords
Unplug the appliance from its power source. Turn its power
switch to the ON position. Touch the test leads to the metal
Figure 10
Figure 11
– 9 –
prong ends of the cord. The tester should indicate a low resis-
tance value. lf not, flex the cord while the leads are still in con-
tact with the metal prongs. If the display changes erratically
when the leads are applied, there may be a broken conductor
in the cord. If the display does not change at all there may be
an open circuit in the appliance. Should it be determined that
the cord is not the source of the problem, the appliance may
need to be disassembled in order to pinpoint the problem.
Refer to the owners manual of the appliance. The manufactur-
er of the appliance may require that the appliance be serviced
only by a qualified repair technician.
Note: With the power OFF, always remove a fuse from its
socket before testing it. With cartridge fuses, touch the test
leads to each end of the fuse (see fig. 10). If the fuse is good,
the display should read -0- ohms. If not, replace the fuse. On
plug-type fuses, touch the test leads on the bottom contact
and the other on the threaded metal contact (see fig. 11). On
time-delay/tamper-proof fuses, the other metal contact is at
the top of the ceramic threads.
Cut off the power source to the switch. If necessary, remove
the switch from whatever it's mounted to. Turn the switch to
the ON position and touch the test leads to the switches termi-
nals (see fig. 12). If the switch is good, the display should read
-0- ohms. If not, replace the switch. On other than two-way
SPST (single pole, single throw) switches such as three-way
Figure 12
– 10 –