in order to adjust the child seat reclining position the car seat belt must be
The reclining position can only be adjusted by using the iSofix
ConneCT system.
NOTE! if THe CyBex JUno-fix iS USeD wiTHoUT iSofix
ConneCT, PUTTinG THe CHilD SeaT in THe ReClininG
PoSiTion iS PRoHiBiTeD!
• install the seat as described in the section, „inSTallaTion of THe CHilD
SeaT wiTH iSofix ConneCT".
• To adjust the reclining position, activate the handle (v) on the underside of the
seat cushion (d) and pull the connectors out as far as the end stop.
NOTE! THe maximUm Safe anD PeRmiSSiBle ReClininG PoSiTion
iS limiTeD By THe eDGe of THe SeaT of THe CaR SeaT. THe CHilD
SeaT mUST noT exTenD BeyonD THiS limiT! if THe CyBex JUno-
fix BaCkReST loSeS ConTaCT wiTH THe CaR SeaT oR if THe SeaT
CUSHion (d) RiSeS away fRom THe SeaT of THe CaR SeaT, THe
maximUm PoSiTion HaS Been exCeeDeD anD mUST Be CoRReCTeD.
warning! always ensure that the handle (v) locks into the reclining and
sitting positions with an audible click.
• now you can continue with the section "SeCURinG THe CHilD"
• when you have taken the child out of the car seat and want to return the seat
from the reclining to the sitting position, activate the handle (v) again and
apply slight pressure to the seat cushion (d) to guide the child seat back into
the upright position.
activating both adjustment handles (q) simultaneously causes the safety
cushion (p) to glide automatically into its furthest forward position. Releasing the
adjustment handles (q) fixes the safety cushion (p) in place. The side parts of
the safety cushion (p) fit exactly into the arm rests of the seat cushion (d) and
provide support for the seat. adjust the safety cushion (p) so that it lies against
the child's chest without excerting any pressure on the childs body.
warning! The safety cushion (p) must be used only with the seat and only
for children weighing not more than 18 kg.