The combustion head is equipped with a regulating device which closes and opens the air passage between the
disk and the head. By closing the passage it's possible to achieve high pressure upstream the disk for low inputs
as well. High velocity and turbulence ensure a better penetration in the fuel, an optimum mixture and good flame
stability. It might be necessary to have high air pressure upstream the disk in order to avoid flame pulsation and it's
considered practically indispensable when the burner is operating with a pressurised furnace and/or thermal load.
It's evident from the above, that the device which closes the air on the combustion head should be put in such a
position as to always obtain a decidedly high air pressure value behind the disk.
When maximum delivery desired has been reached, proceed with correcting the position of the device which
closes the air on the combustion head; move it backwards or forwards in such a way as to obtain an air flow
suitable to the delivery, with the air regulation shutter in suction considerably open. When reducing the air
passage on the combustion head, avoid closing it completely.
N.B. Check that ignition occurs regularly, because if the passage between the disk and the head is closed, it could
occur that the air velocity is so high as to render ignition difficult. If this happens, gradually open the regulator
until it reaches the correct position and ignition occurs regularly. This position should be definitive.
The burner can remain in the "block" position without any limit in time.
In emergency cases it is advisable to close the fuel valve, and to disconnect the burner electrically.
1 - regulating screw disk-head
(screw in order to open the air passage between the disk end the head unscrew to close)
2 - Disk: attantion: avoid closing it completely
3 - Combustion head
4 - Reference position disk-head
5 - Adjustable screw for air damper opening
6 - Ionizing electrode
7 - Ignition electrode
1 Max ignition electrode projection
56 Ionizing electrode projection
(see 8922/2-0002933451)
N° 0002933451
REV. 30/08/01