Menu location: Setup Menu → Display
The Display Menu contains options to adjust the brightness of the screen, as well as the option to display or hide the "%
open" value that overlays the valve position bar graph . The menu options are as follows:
• Auto Dim
• LCD Brightness
• Numeric Position on Graph
Auto Dim: The LCD screen can automatically dim depending on the light conditions . To enable Auto Dim, follow these
1 . Navigate to the Display Menu
2 . Use the
RED or
3 . Press the ■ SET button to save the value .
Note: If Auto Dim is turned on, the LCD brightness option (see below) is grayed out and cannot be adjusted .
LCD Brightness: The LCD brightness can be manually set to a desired percentage if the Auto Dim option is turned off .
To adjust, follow these steps:
1 . Navigate to the display menu
2 . Make sure Auto Dim is set to "OFF" (see above)
3 . Press the ■ NEXT button once so the LCD brightness value is highlighted
4 . Use the
RED or
5 . Press the ■ SET button to save the value .
Numeric Position on Graph: The % value that is displayed within the valve position bar graph can be turned on or off . To
turn on or off, follow these steps:
1 . Navigate to the display menu
2 . Press the ■ NEXT button twice so the Numeric Position on Graph value is highlighted
3 . Use the
RED or
4 . Press the ■ SET button to save the value .
GREEN button to toggle Auto Dim on or off
GREEN button to adjust the LCD brightness to the desired value
GREEN button to turn on or off
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