Rotate the control dial to 30 seconds.
Flip the START/STOP toggle switch
up or down. When the timer finishes,
pour out the soapy water, and rinse
the blender jar with warm water.
1. Remove any remaining contents from the blender jar.
2. Prepare a 200 ppm sodium hypochlorite solution* using 1.75 L of hot water in the
blender jar. Place the lid on the blender jar, and make sure the blender jar is fully in
place on the blender base.
3. Run the Blender on the High Speed setting for 35 seconds. Flip the START/STOP
toggle switch up or down to start the Blender.
4. Turn off the Blender and let the sanitizing mix sit in the blender jar for an
additional 2 minutes.
5. Pour out the sanitizing solution mix. Do not rinse the blender jar.
6. Place the lid on the blender jar. Make sure the empty blender jar is fully in place on
the blender base. Run the empty Blender for an additional 10 seconds. Do not rinse
the jar after sanitizing.
7. Allow the blender jar to air dry.
* To prepare a 200 ppm sodium hypochlorite solution: use 6.67 ml household bleach (with a 5.25% sodium
hypochlorite concentration) in 1.75 L of hot water.
Wash the blender jar, jar pad, lid, Flex
Edge tamper, and ingredient cap by
hand with a damp cloth and warm
soapy water; rinse with warm water,
and dry with a soft cloth.