Plug and Play 8 channel colour
network video recorder
1 Select the camera carrying the video feed
you wish to see
2 Select the type of recording required
(manual, following motion detection, etc.)
3 Search button: searches the hard disk for
recordings that correspond to the criteria that
you have entered. Update the on-screen
calendar depending on the results
4 Month and year to be displayed on the
5 Day currently selected
6 The orange section indicates that there are
recordings for the date indicated.
7 Cameras on which you wish to view the
8 Start and end times at which you wish
to view the videos
9 "Relecture" (Playback) button: launches video
playback for the day that you have selected
on screen
"Recherche vidéo" (Video search)/"Event search"
works in the same way but displays the results in
a list format:
1 This button saves videos found that meet
your search criteria on a USB drive
2 Search button: searches the hard disk for
recordings that correspond to the criteria that
you have entered.
3 This button saves videos that you have
selected that meet your search criteria
on a USB drive
Clicking "Sauvegarde" (Backup) or "Sauvegarde
rapide" (Quick backup) on the "Recherche vidéo"
(Video search)/"Event search" menu makes it
possible to back up videos to a USB media
connected to the recorder (USB key, external hard
disk, etc.):
The "H264" recording format saves space on the
disk but can become a problem when videos are
read on a computer, for example. The AVI format
uses a little more disk space but can be read on a
computer without a problem. Select the recording
format then click "Sauver" (Save) to continue:
Connected USBs appear on the screen and you can
browse them and view the content. Click "Format"
to delete the content on the USB drive if necessary.
Click on "OK" to start the backup.