Selecting and Running Locomotives
Taking Locomotives into the Locomotive List: Automatic Registration of mfx Locomotives
In the beginning, we recommend that you first register all locomotives with mfx decoders (see
Getting Started Quickly on Page 5). This is the easiest way to fill the locomotive list (upper image)
and to get started quickly.
Tip: Several mfx locomotives can be registered at the same time. However, we recommend add-
ing them one after the other. In our experience, this goes faster.
Tip: Make sure the STOP button is not activated. No registrations can be done in the Stop mode.
Putting Locomotives into the Locomotive Controller
A small red dot in the locomotive list
highlights the two locomotives active in
the locomotive controllers.
In order to select a locomotive,
pull it from the locomotive list
to the left (as here in the image)
or to the right of the edge of the
screen. Lift your finger from the
display above the automatically
overlaid locomotive control-
ler. The selected locomotive,
the mfx protocol, the green
direction arrow, the speed
controller, and at the top the
STOP control are now displayed
in the locomotive controller. If
a locomotive is running, this is
also displayed in the locomotive
list with a green bar on the
upper edge of the locomotive
Turning Functions On
Pull the red circle
with a small white
locomotive in the di-
rection of the center
of the screen: The
locomotive functions
become visible, eight
functions per col-
umn. Up to 32 func-
tions can be shown
at a time depending
on how far you pull
the list up.
Running the Locomotive with the
Speed Controller
Tap on the speed con-
troller and the green
bar becomes visible:
The locomotive runs.
Alternatively wipe over
the bar or control with
the red control knob –
even if the locomotive
controller is faded
out. You change the
direction of travel with
the green arrow – or
by pressing on the
control knob.
Switching Functions
The functions are
switched by tapping
on the function sym-
bols. For example, in
the image to the left
the light, coupling/
uncoupling, the
whistle, and the
blowers are being
Tip: Tapping on the
red circle turns the
locomotive control-
ler off – and also
turns it back on.
Emergency Stop / Stop
When the speed
bar is shown in red,
the Stop mode is
activated. Press the
Stop button or tap
on the Stop symbol
on the upper corner
of the locomotive
controller in order
to turn it off.