12. Plant starting
ATTENTION: never run the pump dry
not even for a short trial run. Start the
pump after filling completely with liquid.
connection and checked the preloaded pressure
(for booster set with membrane tank), start the
plant as indicated below:
Prime the pumps (see the pumps instructions).
Pump with suction lift:
- Fill the suction pipe and the pump body by
means of the plug hole located close to the
delivery port of the pump.
- Fill the suction tube by pouring water through
the plug hole on the suction manifold of the
Pump with positive suction head:
- Open
pipeline.With sufficient head, the water will
overcome the resistance of the non-return
valve fitted in the suction side of the pump and
will fill the pump body. Otherwise, prime the
pump with the plug hole near the delivery port.
Never run the pump for more than five
minutes with closed gate valve.
Starting pump
When the freqeuncy converter is switched on, the
pump are not operating and on the screen
appears OFF.
Press the button
status from STOP to run. The pump starts up with
the acceleration ramp set to reach the wished
When the motor starts turning, check
the direction of rotation.
If the pump has been primed correctly, after a few
seconds the pressure will begin to increase on the
If, after a few seconds‚ operation the pressure
remains at 0.0, stop the pump by selecting
(stop) as priming has not been carried out
correctly and the pump is idling. Re-prime the
pump and repeat the starting up procedure.
(play) to change the pump
12.1. Inversion of the direction
of rotation
To change the direction of rotation of the motor,
push the button
parameter UP. Confirm with
the button
UP04, confirm with enter
pushing of the button
confirm with
display, when you are out from the set-up mode
the icon disappear
13. Operations
The frequency converter is programmed to
manage the automatic operation of 1 or 2 pumps,
all at variable speed.
Depending on user consumption, the pumps start
to guarantee the amount of water necessary at
the set pressure.
When one pump has reached 50 Hz and water
requirements increase, the second pump will
begin operations.
The pumps are protected against:
- operation when dry, by means of a floating
switch and level sensor,
- over/under voltage (frequency converter),
- thermal overload (frequency converter).
13.1. Quick set point modification
If the frequency converter is operating in constant
pressure mode it is possible to change the set
point pressure without enter on the user
parameter (UP menu). Pushing the button
(enter) for more than 5 seconds you will enter
directly to the set point pressure (UP05
By pushing of the buttons
(minus) change the pressure value and confirm
By pushing of the button (menu) the system will
return to the basic display (see paragraph 9.1.).
(menù) and then with the
(plus) move up to the programming
(plus) move up to the parameter
(plus) change the value,
(enter). To exit the program,
(menù) until you arrive on the basic
(enter) and with
(enter) and by
(plus) or