Please read these instructions thoroughly before using this product and follow all the information con-
tained within. Failure to observe these instructions can lead to a reduction in the protection this product
Please note: mountain climbing and indoor climbing are high-risk sports which can involve unforesee-
able dangers. Your decisions and activities in this sport are your own responsibility. Please familiarise
yourself with all associated risks before attempting climbing of any sort. SALEWA recommends that
before attempting any climbing, you should obtain training and advice from suitably qualified persons (for
example mountain guides or climbing teachers). In addition it is the user's responsibility to keep himself
or herself informed of the correct techniques for carrying out safe rescue operations. The manufacturer
bears no liability in the case of any misuse or abuse of this product. Also check for the appropriate certifi-
cation of all other pieces of equipment.
The product may only be used by competent and experienced persons who understand the information in
the operating instructions and ensure its correct application or by people who are directly supervised by
competent and experienced users.
This product is made in conformity with PPE regulation (EU) 2016/425.
You can view the EU Declaration of Conformity under www.salewa.com.
The product meets the third category for personal protective equipment (PSA).
Only use the product for the purpose for which it was constructed and never burden it beyond its limits.
: Danger to life
: Risk of injury
: Correct use
This product protects against risk of falling when traversing a via ferrata. This product conforms to the
standard EN 958:2017. The correct use is shown in diagram B.
WARNING: We have not shown all possible misuses.
WARNING: Misuse of this tool can lead to sever injury, falls and even death. You must be aware of this and
should only use this tool if you master its correct use.
Falls on a via ferrata can have fatal consequences even if the via ferrata set is used correctly.
The product serves as a safeguard on a via ferrata and meets the respective standards named in the
table below.
Via ferrata set components:
A) Tie-in loop
B) Tear webbing fall impact absorber
C) Rest loop
D) Lanyards
E) Carabiners
F) Swivel joint (if existing)
G) Zip roll (if existing)
The product may only be used by persons weighing between 40kg (without equipment) and 120kg (with
equipment), check the information of the permissible user weight on the via ferrata set in this respect in
all cases. All other users must be belayed with a rope.
In case of increased risk of falling and if the danger of impact exists in case of falling before the via ferrata
set can stop the fall, you have to secure extra. Only in this manner the fall height can be reduced and its
consequences be minimised.
Affix the tie-in loop (A) of the via ferrata set into the tie-in loop of the harness (see illustrations).
Both carabiners (E) must always be hung into the belay cable. Initially the first carabiner and only then the
second is hung around the anchoring.
ATTENTION: Never release both carabiners simultaneously, always remain attached with at least one of
them on the belay cable.
Always make sure that the carabiner is properly connected to the belay system and that any external
bodies, such as small stones, do not hinder its correct closing.
A rest loop (C) is located in front of the tear webbing fall impact absorber (B). Using a carabiner and loop,
you can use it so secure yourself at an appropriate point on the via ferrata and snap it in.
Via ferrata set "Ergo Zip": always pull on the carabiner and not on the zip roll (G). Do not burden it and
do not pull yourself up with it. The lanyards (D) are running through the zip rolls, therefore the rewinding
mechanism is not a load-bearing component.
Please make sure that all components being used are compatible. We recommend the exclusive use of
climbing equipment which complies with the relevant standards, for example: EN 892 for ropes, EN12275
for carabiners, EN 12277 for belts, EN 566 for loops, EN 12492 for helmets.
WARNING: Never hang one or more components which are attached in front of the tear webbing fall impact
absorber (B) behind it (e.g. on the belt or the tie-in loop) (refer to the pictures). In case of a fall, the tear
webbing fall impact absorber cannot rip open, failure of the system and a resulting possible fall are the
A tear webbing fall impact absorber which has already been triggered can no longer absorb a further fall,
the via ferrata set must be disposed of.
Bear in mind that the tear webbing fall impact absorber can open up to a length of 2.2m in case of a fall
and also take the length of the further components of the via ferrata set into account.
When using this product beware of entrapment (strangulation risk while using it).
Specially for rental companies: These instructions for use must be provided to the users of the via ferrata
set and adhered to. Before each use, the product must be checked in accordance with these instructions.
The responsibility for its use lies with the user himself.
Before use, carefully check each product part. Diagram C
Double check all the components of this product for wear marks, chips, frayed or singed fibres, attrition,
bends and corrosion, and replace if needed.
Carabiners are manufactured so as to be loaded lengthways. Every other direction of load will reduce the
supporting load. Especially avoid compressive load and any other pressure on the gate.
Before and after each use, the protective bag must be opened and the red safety cord and tear webbing
fall impact absorber checked for faults or cracks. Replace the product without delay if the red safety cord
is torn.
· High temperatures, sharp edges, and contact with chemicals (for example acids) must be completely
· If there is the least doubt about the safety of the product, it is to be replaced immediately.
The lifespan of the product is dependent on a number of factors, such as the manner and fre-
quency of use, UV exposure, moisture, ice, affects of weather, storage conditions, and dirt
(sand, salt, etc.). Under extreme conditions the lifespan can be reduced to a single usage
or even less, if the equipment has suffered damage (for example during transport) before ever being used.
Please note: Products manufactured from synthetic fibres are subject to ageing even when not used. This
ageing depends mainly on environmental conditions as well as the impact of UV light.
SALEWA explicitly recommends replacing any safety equipment (PSA/PPE equipment) after a maximum
of 10 years from the date of production, regardless of whether the product has been used regularly or not.
Indications of the product's maximum lifespan:
Never: Correct storage: up to 10 years since production
Once or twice a year: up to 7 years
Once a month: up to 5 years
More times a month: up to 3 years
Every week: up to 1 year
Almost daily: up to 1/2 a year
See diagram E for guidelines on correct storage and care.
Do not store close to sources of heat, or at extreme temperatures or subject to mechanical force (with
kinks, under compressive load, under tension) The product should NEVER come in contact with corrosive
chemicals such as battery acid, solvents, or chemical salts.
They can both negatively influence the materials' mechanical properties.
Ensure that the product is kept safe during storage and transport and is protected from damage.
Disinfect the material only with substances which have no impact on the synthetic material used.
If necessary (eg. contact with dirt or salted water), wash the product in lukewarm water and and rinse with
clear water (max. 30°). Make sure that the product does not come into contact with chemicals. Leave to
dry at room temperature.
The product may neither be modified nor repaired. No knots may be made as these weaken the construc-
tion. The zip roll casing (G) must not be opened or adjusted independently.
The product must be inspected at least once per year by a competent person.
: Manufacturer's brand
xxxxxx: Product name
xxxxxx/xxxxxx: Supplier's codex
xxAmmyy: Information on traceability
xx: Index (Reference to current drawing)
A: Production batch
(A = first batch of the production month)
mm: Month of manufacture (01 = January)
yy: Year of manufacture (13 = 2013)
Made in xxxxx: Country of origin
IF LABEL IS BROKEN, DO NOT USE! If the red safety cord is torn, do not use the product any longer.
xx-xxxkg: Minimum and maximum permissible user weight (first weight without equipment, second with
: Pictogramm indicating that the directions must be read.
EN958: The standard with which the product complies
: Confirms adherence to the Ordinance (EU) 2016/425
0408: Number of the testing body.
Certified by: TÜV AUSTRIA Services GmbH-A-1015 WIEN-
Krugerstraße 16
1019: Number of the testing body
Certification and inspection of production:
VVUU, a.s.
Pikartska 1337/7
Czech Republic
Drawing: Explains the tying-in.
SALEWA - Oberalp S.P.A.
Via Waltraud Gebert Deeg Strasse 4, I-39100 Bozen - Italy:
Brand, name and address of manufacturer
Further on the carabiner:
EN12275, UIAA121: Standard which corresponds to the product (UIAA 121 only for the Premium Attac set)
CE: Confirms adherence to the Ordinance (EU) 2016/425
CE2008: Number of the testing body. Certification and control of control:
DOLOMITICERT S.C.A.R.L., Z.I. Villanova, 32013 Longarone (BL), Italy
Number of inspecting authority "2008"
CE0082: Number of certifying body. Certified by:
APAVE SUDEUROPE SAS, 8 rue Jean-Jacques Vernazza, Z.A.C. Saumaty-Séon, CS 60193, 13322,
Number of inspecting authority 0082
CE0333: Number of certifying body. Control of production by:
AFNOR Certification, 11 rue Francis de Pressensé 93571, 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex France,
Number of inspecting authority 0333
CE0321: Number of the testing body. Certified by:
SATRA Technology Centre Ltd Wyndham Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate Kettering, Northhamptonshire
NN16 8SD, United Kingdom
x: Longitudinal breaking load in kN
x: Lateral breaking load in kN
x: Breaking load when open in kN
: Class H carabiner (HMS- carabiner)
: Class K carabiner (Via ferratas carabiner)
Material: Aluminium, steel, plastic