Operation Delay
The Delay feature enables you to delay the cleaning start time for 1-6 hours.
This delay allows the dirt to settle at the bottom of the pool.
Note that this is a one-time operation. You need to reactivate the Delay feature
every time it is required.
This option is available when the application is ON and OFF.
Clean Mode
In addition to the automatic clean mode, the MyDolphin™ app also includes
additional clean modes to suit your specific needs.
For example, the Floor Only clean mode focuses on the floor of your pool,
removing more dirt from the bottom, without taking time to scrub the walls.
This option is only available when the application is ON.
Cycle Time
This determines the cleaning cycle time. The MyDolphin™ app allows you to
choose between the following options: 1.5 hour, 2 hours, 2.5 hours.
This option is only available when the application is ON.
Info & Links
Use this option for Maytronics assistance and website links.
This option is available when the application is ON and OFF.
Dolphin Service Kit
User Instructions