Ensure the grates are aligned with an equal distance to each sidewall
before tightening the bolts.
Note: Frame Guards if specified must be installed before the grates, and
prior to the concrete pour.
Lock Down
14.) Install the construction covers to protect the grating and prevent
construction debris from entering the channels.
Concrete Pour
1.) Check the excavation to be sure a minimum of 4" of concrete can be
poured under, and on all sides of the channels.
2.) Check the entire system for proper anchoring, alignment, leveling, and
connections. While the Dead Level
floating, a poorly anchored system is likely to shift during the pour.
3.) The edge of the trench frame should be set approx. 1/16" below the
surface after the finish troweling. This will ensure the frame remains at or
below grade after the concrete is fully cured.
4.) Concrete must be adequately vibrated as it is placed, to completely fill
all potential voids around the trench system.
Catch Basin Cutouts
1.) Catch basins may ship in two pieces - attach the frame to the basin prior to
making cutouts.
2.) Invert the basin on a flat surface and butt the trench section(s) shown on
the installation diagram against the pattern on the basin.
Note: Catch basins will only mate properly with the downstream end of a #5
channel section, or a neutral channel section.
design dramatically reduces the risk of
Frame Guards
Frame Guards
Channel &
Channel &
Construction Cover