6.2.3- Discharge
The bucket is designed to require only one operator during discharge.
The throat is conically shaped for easier discharge of the concrete.
After positioning the bucket over forms, pull the handle down to open the gate.
The quantity of concrete discharged depends on the size of the aperture.
Alternatively, a rope may be attached to the handle and pulled to discharge.
If no force is exerted on the handle, a spring ensures that the gate closes, preventing concrete from being discharged. If the gate doesn't close
completely due to residual concrete or gravel, etc., move the handle in the opposite direction or remove the obstruction.
6.3- Detaching the Lifting Hook
If you need to rest the bucket on the ground, check for obstructions and lower it slowly to prevent any impact with the ground.
Release the safety latch on the hook of the lifting and moving equipment to detach the lifting arm. Be careful to keep hands and figures away
from areas which may be hazardous when the lifting arm falls.
7- Maintenance
The bucket should be cleaned before use and whenever needed.
It should be checked visually on a regular basis (at least once at the end of each working day ) by someone allocated to do so for cracks or
deformities in critical parts (areas where the lifting arm attaches to the body of the bucket, Spring, etc.). If cracks or deformities are detected in
the bucket or its parts, contact the company's technical support department for repairs by technically qualified and authorized personnel.
While the bucket is not being used, store it out of the way on suitably flat ground to avoid problems of instability.
If the bucket is dismantled, it should be sent to a recycling center for proper handling.
8- Safety Warnings
The following safety warnings are shown on the bucket so that the operator is fully aware of potential risk situations.
If the safety warnings are in poor condition, contact the manufacturer or other competent body for replacements.
Always wear a helmet.
Always use boots.
9- Accessories
To discharge the bucket's load, the following accessories may be used:
-» An appropriately dimensioned elephant trunk with na inner diameter of 200mm.
-» An elephant trunk attachment clamp.
-» A side chute.
10- Warranty
The manufacturer provides a 1-year warranty covering all factory defects.
The warranty does not cover any defect or malfunction related to the incorrect use of the bucket and therefore non-compliant with the instructions
in this manual.
The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear of the parts of the bucket.
Avd. del Cadí, 13 E08799-SANT PERE MOLANTA
Telf.: +34 93 0024070
E-mail: pedidos@altrad.es www.altrad.es
Always use gloves.