The Speaker Output SATELLITE A
You can connect up to two E.L.I.A.S. tops to the Speakon socket.
E n s u re that the overall impedance does not fall below the minimum
allowable level of four ohms to prevent the power amp from being
d a m a g e d .
The Speaker Output MONITOR / SATELLITE B
You can connect up to two E.L.I.A.S. tops to the Speakon socket
which, depending on the status of the switch, can be used as tops or
monitors. Here too, make sure that the overall impedance does not
fall below the minimum allowable level of four ohms, otherwise the
power amp may suffer damage
Mains Socket
Use this socket to connect E.L.I.A.S. to an AC power supply. Before
you plug the system into a wall outlet, ensure your local mains
voltage matches the specification indicated on the device. If you
connect E.L.I.A.S. to the wrong mains voltage, you can seriously
damage the power amps.
Mains Switch
Once you have connected all the requisite cords, you can switch the
system on.
G round Lift
When this button is pressed, it separates the signal ground from the
chassis ground, enabling you to eliminate potential ground loops