Intake Manifold Options
Discharge Manifold Options
Flexible Discharge Line Kits
Waterline Changeover Kit
The head assembly of any EL1300/EL1600 Air Compressor
can be rotated with respect to the block. A head rotation may
be necessary to allow ease of mounting intake manifold and
governor. Rotating the head does not void the warranty .
Head and block rotation is determined by viewing the
compressor from the drive end.
1. Remove the six 3/8-16 UNC head bolts.
2. Remove the head by tapping it lightly with a hammer
on the boss below the water ports.
3. Remove the head gasket and replace with the gasket
4. Rotate the head 180 and insert the head bolts.
5. Torque the head bolts to 18-22 ft. lbs. in the order as
shown in the sketch above.
6. Retorque the head bolts to 27-33 ft. lbs. in the same order
as shown in the sketch above.
WARNING With vehicle on level surface, always block
the vehicle wheels before working on any part of an air
brake system.
WARNING Shut down vehicle engine.
1) Carefully and completely drain the vehicle' s air system.
Leave all reservoir drain fittings open during changeover .
2) Drain the engine coolant system below the level of
the compressor block.
CAUTION Remove discharge line carefully. The line
is HOT while the unit is running and may be for some time
after shutdown. Air may still be in the vehicle system due
to automatic drain and one-way check valves.
3) Disconnect and cap all other lines.
4) Remove drive belt(s) on pulley-driven units.
5) Unbolt fuel pump on Cummins and power steering
pump on some Mack models.
6) Remove mounting bolts on flange-mounted units.
Remove bottom bolt(s) first.
CAUTION An air compressor weighs between 40 and
50 pounds and is often oil covered. Be sure of your grip
when removing the compressor from the engine mounting.
The following items must be checked to ensure proper
compressor function.
Coolant Lines
A. Clean or replace any plugged, corroded or damaged
coolant lines or fittings. NOTE: It is common on bus
applications for the engine block fittings to be plugged
with corrosion.
B. Water lines should be 1/2 inch ID Minimum - this along
with eliminating any sharp bends is adequate to prevent
excessive line restriction and to ensure minimum required flow
throughout the life of the compressor.
C. Direct water flow across the head - water inlet should be
into the cylinder head or cylinder block at one end and taken
out of the CYLINDER HEAD at the opposite end. By no means
should the water outlet be from the same end as the water
supply, or should the water outlet be from the cylinder block.
Oil Feed Line (On models w hich have
an external feed - see compr essor
illustration on front)
A. Check feed line for contamination or kinks. The feed line
can be purged of contamination and checked for flow by
running the engine for a few seconds before connecting the line
to the compressor. The oil line should come from a point after
the oil filter and must be at lest 10 psi oil pressure at engine
idle. The line should be 1/8 inch ID Minimum to ensure an
adequate supply of oil. Some compressors have two oil inlet
ports in the rear end cap. The one to which the oil supply line
is not connected must be plugged with a metal plug.