The RCBS® Rotary Case Cleaner has been designed specifi cally for cleaning a large quantity of cartridge cases
quickly and effi ciently. Features of the Rotary Case Cleaner include a 2.0 gallon (7.5 liter) working capacity
heavy duty rubber lined drum, wide, stable base and a quiet fan-cooled, sealed ball-bearing motor. This
Rotary Case Cleaner is shipped completely assembled and by following these instructions should provide
safe, maintenance-free operation.
Unpack the Rotary Case Cleaner and take a few minutes to review these instructions and familiarize yourself
with the various parts of the Cleaner as shown below.
Drain Plug
Stainless Media
Seal (2 seals included)
NOTE: The handle on the Cap is intended only to help you remove the
Cap from the Drum or replace the Cap back on the Drum.
DO NOT use the Cap handle to carry the Drum (as in photo on left).
DO use the large handle molded into the top of the Drum to carry it.
Cleaner Drum
Clear Sealing Plug
Roller Base w/Timer Dial