Registered device triggered
Line 1: Unit (Apt.) and Block
Line 2: Channel triggered (S1 to
S4) and low battery indication
(Remote Control)
Registered device activated
Line 1: Vehicle color
Line 2: Vehicle plate
(Information displayed when
registered in the Guarita Module
and CAN communication present
between the equipment)
Registered device triggered
Line 1: Location
Line 2: Channel triggered (S1 to
S4) and low battery indication
(Remote Control)
(Display occurs when there is no
CAN communication with the MG
3000 Module)
Activation of the relays carried out
by the MG 3000 Module
Line 1: Activ.
Line 2: Relay Triggered (S1 to S8)
Activation of the relays by PC
software integrated to the MG 3000
Line 1: Activ. PC
Line 2: Relay Triggered (S1 to S8)