- Alias
(Empty by default.) Each user can have an associated "Alias"
that is, a string of 1 to 5 characters (letters, digits and spe-
cial symbols) to make calls independently from the device ad-
dress. See paragraph Entering a text string to learn how to
enter aliases.
Attention: the user can still be called using the physical
address of their device (block + apartment).
- Password
(Empty by default.) Each user can only have one password, of
1 to 8 digits long, for access control; if several passwords are
required for the same user, the address book allows creating
multiple users with the same name but different passwords and
associating the address only to the first such user. For special
users, such as maintenance technicians, postmen, etc. you
must create users that only have a name and a password, but
no address.
Attention: There can be no user passwords that are the
same as the administrator password.
See paragraph Entering a numeric value to learn how to en-
ter passwords.
- Actuations
(No associated function by default.) This menu allows you to
associate one or more functions (maximum 9) to be activated
by entering a password. Functions that can be associated:
- S+/S-: lock opening;
- Relay: auxiliary relay enabling;
- Actuator1, Actuator2, Actuator3, Actuator4: enabling of
up to 4 remote DUO actuators, if any, the addresses of which
have been set in the System/Addresses submenu;
- Ring-me: when the password is entered correctly, the user
whose address is associated with the password will ring one
- Call: when the password is entered correctly, the user ad-
dress to which the password is associated will receive a call;
- Gate-info: not available.
Enter the menu, use the
tion you want to associate and then press key
will be highlighted in bold text. Continue with the next selection
(until you associate all the required functions) or press key
to exit and move to the next programming.
-Time intervals
(No time interval associated by default.) Each password can
be associated with up to 8 time slots, set up for certain times
and week days, when the password will be valid; outside these
times slots, the password will be invalid (for example, it may
be useful to create a password for the cleaning company, valid
from 8am to 10am on Mondays). If no time slot is associated
with the password, the code will be always valid. The 8 time
slots can only be programmed using a Bluetooth connection
and the XE2921 or XE2922 module. In this programming item,
they can only be assigned to the various users. For a correct
operation of the device with time slots, you need to install the
XE2921 or XE2922 accessory for the system clock. Enter the
menu, use the
want to associate and then press key
highlighted in bold text. Continue with the next selection (un-
til you associate all 8 time slots) or press key
move to the next programming.
Attention: If an access code has one or more validity time
slots associated, but the device is not synchronised with the
system clock or password synchronisation is lost, it will no
longer be valid until the next synchronisation.
- Delete
To delete the contact, select this item and press key
window will be displayed to confirm the action. Press key
to confirm or press key
In this menu section, you can program specific functions of the
external station. Press key
to return to the previous menu. Programming options are:
arrows tto select the func-
. The item
arrows to select the time slot you
. The item will be
to exit and
to return to the previous menu.
to enter the menu or press key
- Addresses
- Timings
- PN parameters
- Admin. password
Use the
to confirm your selection.
Addresses of devices managed from the external station, ex-
cept for user addresses that must be programmed in the "User"
section. Press key
lowing items:
- External Station
- Video OFF
- Relay
- Actuator1
- Actuator2
- Actuator3
- Actuator4
Use the
to confirm your selection. Press key
previous menu.
External Station
Press key
to return to the previous menu.
- Block
(0 by default.) System block to which the device belongs, from
01 to 99; see paragraph Entering a numeric value to learn
how to enter addresses.
If the video intercom system is not to be used with block split-
ting, leave it on 0 or enter 255.
- Address
(231 by default.) Values allowed for the address of the keypad
included in the system are from 231 to 253. See paragraph
Entering a numeric value to learn how to enter addresses.
(255 by default, but not programmed.) Use key
the programming menu and set the address of the doorkeeper
exchange included in the system and key
previous menu. Once you are in this menu item, enter 201 if
the keypad needs to call a main station or 210 if it needs to
call a secondary station; see paragraph Entering a numeric
value to learn how to enter addresses.
This section is dedicated to the management of external video
modulators (type VM2521), to which additional cameras can
be connected, for example, video surveillance cameras and
cameras associated with an address (231-253). Up to 8 video
cameras can be managed from the keypad. Use this menu to
program the addresses of the cameras connected to the video
modulators of the system and the address of the priority cam-
era (Main AUX CAM). Press key
below and press key
(255 by default.) To program the address of the first additional
video camera, select AUX CAM1 in the menu and press key
. See paragraph Entering a numeric value to learn how
to enter addresses. If needed, proceed in the same manner
and a
and program the addresses of other additional cameras, from
AUX CAM2 to AUX CAM8; otherwise, go to other program-
ming options.
- Main AUX CAM
(255 by default, external station camera.) When a call arrives
or when you power on the external station, the main camera
arrows to select the item of interest and press
to enter the menu. You will see the fol-
arrows to select the item of interest and press
to display the items listed below and press key
to display the items listed
to return to the previous menu.
to return to the
to enter
to return to the
Mi 2565
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