APP operation guide
Download and install APP
Install "YUTUPRO" APP on your mobile device.
Smartphone or pad with system IOS and Android can search for "YUTUPRO" in APP store or
Google Play to download and install, or download and install by scanning QR code.
Connect APP
After turning on the camera, you can press the UP (Wi-Fi) button shortly to turn on Wi-Fi. The
camera's screen will display the Wi-Fi SSID name and connection password.
Open the WI-FI function on the phone or pad. In the settings, search and connect the WI-FI name
displayed on the camera page. The initial password is 12345678;
After the connection is successful, open the APP "YUTUPRO" on the mobile phone or pad, and the
corresponding operation can be performed, the image and video can also be downloaded and