Using the
ZDR300 in
detector mode
1. Press the On/Off button to turn the detector on.
2. Press button (2) (Fine/Coarse) to select the detection mode. A symbol
appears either on the right or left side of the LCD, displaying which mode
was selected.
3. Press the Sound button (3) to select level of sound (mute, normal, high).
Default mode is mute, indicated with no symbol. The sound symbol will
blink when you select normal loudness, and be constant in high mode.
4. Turn the capture window (7) towards the laser beam and move the
detector up or down, following the indication on the LCD. A down arrow
indicates the detector should be lowered. An arrow facing up indicates the
detector should be raised. When a horizontal line appears on the display,
the detector is at the same level as the laser beam.
5. Use the two marks on the side of the ZDR300 to draw your level.
6. You can also view the same information on the LCD on the back of the
7. Press the On/Off button to turn the detector off. Automatic switch-off will
occur after 10 minutes if not used.
8. The detector has a magnetic attachment (8) for use on ceiling grids or
partition rails. To use the detector with a rod, slide the rod bracket into the
slots (6).
9. Keep the capture window (7) clean, using a soft cloth and glass cleaner.
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