Maintenance And Cleaning; Français; Consignes De Sécurité; Product Description And Specifications - Bosch SystemBox Manual Original

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Check the system box and work plate for damage be-
fore each use.
Place the system box on a firm, non-slip, flat, hori-
zontal surface. If there is a chance that the system box
and work plate will slip or wobble, the safe and steady op-
eration of the power tool cannot be guaranteed.
Do not overload or sit/
stand on the work plate.
Overloading or standing on
the work plate can cause the
system box to tip over or
Ensure that the work plate is not unbalanced by long
workpieces or by work processes. Secure the work-
piece onto the work plate such that its centre of gravity is
over the work plate. The free end of long workpieces must
have something placed underneath it or be supported.
Do not clamp any power tools to the work plate.
Clamped power tools and sharp-edged application tools
can cause serious injury.
Take care not to damage the work plate and system
box when using power tools.
Do not carry the system box by the protruding screw
Do not stack more than three boxes on
top of each other.
Read and observe the safety and general instructions
in the operating instructions for all tools that will be
used with the system box and the work plate.
Product Description and
Intended Use
The work plate is intended for clamping small workpieces by
means of screw clamps.
Technical Data
Work plate for system box
Article number
Support height
Max. load bearing capa-
The system box must be closed and locked at all times when
working with the work plate.
Place the non-slip mat underneath the system box. Always
secure the workpiece to the work plate using both screw
Bosch Power Tools
clamps. Position it such that the work area (e.g. for saw
cuts) is approx. 5–10 cm from the edge of the system box.
Always hold the system box tightly in one hand when work-
ing with power tools. This will prevent the system box from
slipping or tipping over.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Keep the work plate clean to ensure effective, safe opera-
tion. Use a vacuum cleaner or damp soft cloth to remove
The system box and its work plate, its accessories and pack-
aging should be recycled in an environmentally friendly man-
Consignes de sécurité
Avant toute utilisation, vérifiez que la Systembox et le
plan de travail ne comportent pas de dommages.
Placez la Systembox sur une surface solide, plane et
horizontale. Si la Systembox risque de se déplacer ou de
basculer avec le plan de travail, il n'est pas possible de
guider l'outil électroportatif de façon uniforme et en toute
SystemBox with integ-
rated workbench
1 600 A01 E13
Assurez-vous que le plan de travail ne risque pas
d'être déséquilibré par les pièces longues ou lors de
l'utilisation de l'outil électroportatif. Fixez la pièce sur
le plan de travail de sorte que le centre de gravité se
trouve sur la surface du plan de travail. Placez une cale
sous l'extrémité libre des pièces longues pour la suppor-
Français | 5
Lisez attentivement tous les avertisse-
ments et instructions joints au plan de tra-
vail. Le non-respect des instructions et
consignes de sécurité peut provoquer un
choc électrique, un incendie et/ou entraîner
de graves blessures.
Conservez toutes les consignes de sécuri-
té et toutes les instructions pour pouvoir
vous y reporter ultérieurement.
Ne surchargez pas le plan
de travail et ne vous ap-
puyez pas dessus. Le fait de
surcharger ou de se tenir de-
bout sur le plan de travail
peut entraîner le renverse-
ment ou le bris de la System-
1 609 92A 4VR | (18.12.2018)


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