once the fan has been completely
assembled, you can now plug (h) in to
a wall socket. turn the power on by
switching to 1, 2 or 3 on the control
panel (G) '3' is the fastest speed. '0'
switches the fan 'off'.
oscillation: to make the fan
oscillate (rotate from side to side) push
down the oscillation Knob (F) iocated
on the top of the motor housing (e).
to stop oscillation, pull the button out.
heiGht adJustMent: to alter the
height of the fan, loosen the height
adjustment nut (J), extend the shaft to
the desired height, and re-tighten.
length of Warranty
1 year from date of purchase
Within 1 year from date of purchase,
1) return product to place of purchase (if
your dealer allows)
2) send product postage pre-paid to:
3030 e. vernon ave.
vernon, ca 90058
Please include original dated receipt, explana-
tion of defect and return name and address as
well as a contact phone number. We will, with-
in 10 days of receiving your product, return a
new or refurbished (at our discretion) product
at no additional charGe. We will also
return your receipt. if product is found to be in
working condition, we will return product
postage collect.
PacK Your Product Well!
We will not be responsible for damages
incurred as a result of improper packing.
Or contact us via e-mail at
English - 4