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Installation guide
RT 115
RT 115
Fig. 1
Fig. 3
RT 115
The thermostat type RT 115 is designed
for control of forced ventilation in livestock
buildings and hencoops.
The thermostat has the effect of constant
ventilation as long as the room tempera-
ture exceeds the temperature setting.
If the room temperature is lower than the
temperature setting, there wil only be
intermittent ventilation. The cut-out period
is extended when the room temperature
falls, and if the temperature falls, and if
the room temperature is 2 °C lower than
the temperature setting, the thermostat
cannot start the fan.
The special kind of control offered by
RT 115 is due to the extra sensor (B) inside
the thermostat housing. Alongside the
sensor there is an electric heater (C) which
is cut in when the fan is cut out, and vice
A set of Pg13.5 cable gland is attached to
the RT in a separate bag. To ensure IP66
© Danfoss | DCS (jmn) | 2015.11
Fig. 2
Code no. 017-519766
Fig. 4
(units with automatic reset) or IP54 (units
with external reset) grade of RT enclosure
it is necessary to assemble this gland as
shown in the fig. 3. If this gland is not used
with a cable, a metal blinding should be
also assembled.
The thermostate should be fitted in the
centre of the building, but in such a
position that the body heat from the larger
animals cannot directly influence the
Set the thermostat by rotating the knob (5)
for a temperature which is approx. 1 °C
higher than actually desired in the building.
• If the fan then runs continuously, the
capacity of the fan is to low of the
outdoor temperature is too high
• If the fan runs intermittently, the
plant operation should not be iterfered
with until a stable room temperature is
reached. If the room temperature is then
too high or too low, resetting is done
• If the fan does not start, the room
temperature is too low to permit
Code no. 017-519866
RT 115
Termostat type RT 115 anvendes til styring
af tvungen ventilation i stalde og hønse-
Termostaten bevirker at der ventileres
uafbrudt sålænge rumtemperaturen er
højere end indstil-lingstemperaturen. Er
rumtemperaturen lavere, ventileres der
kun periodevis.
Udkoblingsperioden forlænges med
faldende rumtemperatur; og er rumtem-
peraturen 2 °C lavere end indstil-lings-
temperaturen kan termostaten ikke starte
RT 115´s specielle styreform skyldes den
ekstra føler (B) inden i termostathuset.
Langs føleren ligger et elvarmelegeme (C)
der kobles ind når ventilatoren kobles ud
og vice versa.
Et sæt Pg13,5 kabelforskruning er vedlagt
produktet i en separat pose. For at sikre
kapslingsgrad IP66 (enheder med automa-
tisk reset) eller IP54 (enheder med ekstern
RESET) er det nødvendigt at montere
IC.PI.P10.V1.53 | 520B4058 | 1



Resumen de contenidos para Danfoss RT 115

  • Página 1 The special kind of control offered by capacity of the fan is to low of the Langs føleren ligger et elvarmelegeme (C) RT 115 is due to the extra sensor (B) inside outdoor temperature is too high der kobles ind når ventilatoren kobles ud •...
  • Página 2 Aplicaciones på en temperatur der er ca. 1 °C højere end men werden El termostato tipo RT 115 estrá destinado a egentligt ønsket i stalden. • Läuft der Ventilator nicht an, so ist die controlar la ventilación forzada en edificios •...