Film Calibration...
Cassette n...
Calibration Value...
1. Use the increment and decrement keys on the front panel to enter the adjusted block value from
step 3.
2. To save the entry, press the Enter key.
NOTE: Once saved, this calibration value will apply only to this cassette. Also, this calibration value
will be used regardless of what slot this cassette is inserted into.
Choosing Not to Calibrate a Media Cassette
You can choose not to calibrate a new media cassette.
If the Auto Film Calibrate setting is set to On, a calibration film will be printed from the cassette:
To continue with the calibration, enter a calibration adjusted block value, as described in the
procedure above.
To skip the calibration, press the Pause button to take the printer back on line.
If the Auto Film Calibrate setting is set to Off, a calibration film will not be printed and calibration will
not be performed unless you perform the procedure above.
If you choose not to calibrate a media cassette, the calibration value from the last calibrated cassette of
that media type and size will be used, if one exists. Otherwise, the default calibration value will be
Replacing the Pick Tires
The pick tires in the latest versions of the imager can be replaced.
To replace a pick tire:
1. Power down the imager.
2. Open the top cover.
3. Locate the retaining clip that secures the pick tire to the spindle.
4. Lift up on the tab on the top of the clip (1) and slide the clip sideways from (that is,
perpendicular to) the spindle (2), as shown in the following figure.