The Subharmonic section of the Data Corrupter creates a sub octave of the Root and then divides it up
into eight intervals over three octaves which are selected by the rotary switch to create your subharmonic
harmony. The Root comes from one of two sources, Unison or the Master Oscillator. When Unison is
selected, the Subharmonic will be a division of the square wave fuzz tone and the Frequency Modulator will
have no effect. When Oscillator is selected, the Subharmonic will be a division of the Master Oscillator and
the Frequency Modulator will be applied to the Subharmonic harmony.
Voice Mixer and Level
The Master Oscillator, Subharmonic and Square wave fuzz tone all have volume controls under the voice
mixer section. Use these to blend the three voices together to taste. The Level is a master volume and
determines the overall output level of the effect.
This pedal should be placed close to front of your signal chain and before any delay, reverb or modulation
effect. While it will work with most bridge pickups, the neck pickup will provide the best tracking results.
Precise picking and single notes will track quickly and cleanly. Chords and sloppy playing will result in chaos.
There is no control over the amount of gain because it really needs to be fine-tuned to properly track. Weak
signals (like backing off on the guitar volume) will lead to poor tracking and gating.
Design Notes
This Device takes its inspiration from the Electrax Synthax and the "Basic Frequency Synthesizer" by Ray
Marston. Neither of these were really intended to be guitar effect pedals and a lot of work went into creating
the Data Corrupter to provide excellent tracking and long sustain. We think you'll find it more expressive and
accurate than pretty much any other PLL based effect pedal around.
This device take a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We always
recommend pedal-specific, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-output
supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type power supplies,
daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not filter dirty power as well and let through unwanted
Current Draw: 26mA
Input Impedance: 1M Ohm
Output Impedance: <1K Ohm
This device features Flexi-Switch
simultaneously use momentary and latching-style switching.
• For standard latching operation, tap the footswitch once to activate the effect and then tap again to
• For momentary operation, hold the footswitch down for as long as you'd like to use the effect. Once you
release the switch, the effect will be bypassed.
Since the switching is relay-based, it requires power to pass signal.
This device has a limited lifetime warranty. If it breaks, we will fix it. Should you encounter any issues, please
Technology! This relay-based, true bypass switching style allows you to