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3 about blood pressure
3.2 what is "Hypertension" (High Blood Pressure) and why is it harmful?
If parts of the blood transport system are constricted, diseased or in any way not functioning
normally, the blood pressure can be higher than normal. High blood pressure can damage vital
organs, such as the brain or the heart.
3.3 measures affecting your blood pressure positively
If your blood pressure is high or you want to avoid high blood pressure, your lifestyle should generally
be conducive to this goal.
Existing diseases:
Smoking, drinking: No smoking! Consume only little alcohol and coffee.
Sport activities:
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Strictly follow the instructions of your doctor to treat existing diseases e.g.,
diabetes, gout, disturbed lipid metabolism, etc.)
Reduce overweight. Use little salt with your food, avoid food with lots of fat.
If advised by your doctor after an examination, practice stamina sports
(jogging, swimming). Avoid sports involving strength, do not try your limits!
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