When not to use the IceMan® DO NOT use this device on patients with
Raynaud's phenomenon or other vasospastic conditions; Buerger's dis-
ease; cold allergy or hypersensitivity; cryoglobulinemia; paroxysmal cold
hemoglobinuria or other cold agglutinin disorders; pheochromocytoma;
sickle cell anemia or history of cold injury .
Limit the use of the IceMan® with these patients Limit the use of this
device with patients who are unresponsive, incapacitated, have altered
mental status or altered pain perception . Post-surgical patients under se-
dation or on analgesics or anesthetics, as well as patients taking hypnotics,
anxiolytics, or antidepressants, must be monitored frequently during use
of this device . These patients may not be able to perceive pain, burning,
numbness, tingling or decreased sensation and may be susceptible to in-
jury . Discontinue cold therapy immediately at the first sign of cold injury .