The barrier between your skin and the cold pad may develop
moisture during use, which may create colder temperatures on
the skin . Temperatures that are too cold may result in serious
injury, including tissue necrosis . ALWAYS check for moisture on
the barrier between your skin and the cold pad . If moisture is pres-
ent on the barrier, immediately discontinue use of this device .
Poor connections between hoses may cause leaking, which may
result in serious injury, including infection and tissue necrosis . AL-
WAYS listen for a "snap" or "click" when connecting the IceMan®
cold therapy unit hose to the cold pad hose . Use only IceMan®
cold pads .
Use of the IceMan® with wet hands or in a wet location may
result in electrical shock and serious injury . DO NOT handle
transformer or power cord with wet hands or in a wet location .
The power supply unit is the mains power disconnect . Do not
position the equipment to make access to the disconnect dif-
ficult . Only connect equipment to the power supply provided for
this product .
DO NOT use the IceMan® near flammable anesthetics or oxygen
enriched environment, which may result in explosion and serious
injury .
Keep power cord, hose, small parts, and packaging materials
away from children and animals . These items pose a risk for suf-
focation or strangulation .
It could be unsafe to use accessories, detachable parts and
materials, or interconnect to other equipment not described in
these instructions, or otherwise modify the equipment .
Care must be taken when operating this device adjacent to
other equipment . Potential electromagnetic or other interfer-
ence could occur to this or other equipment . Try to minimize this
interference by not using other electronic equipment in conjunc-
tion with this device .
To avoid the risk of electrical shock, do not disassemble the
IceMan® . If device is not functioning properly, please contact
DonJoy product support .
When to exercise special care when prescribing the IceMan®
Exercise special care prescribing this device for the following patients:
those with arthritic conditions; peripheral vascular disease; children
under the age of 12; those with decreased skin sensitivity; poor circula-
tion, or compromised local circulation; hypercoagulation disorders;
diabetes or neuropathies .